Metabolômica untargeted em urina de portadores de Cri Du Chat utilizando cromatografia a gás e espectrometria de massas (GC-MS)

dc.contributorUniversidade de São Paulo
dc.description.abstractNo primeiro e segundo cap&iacute;tulos desta tese, duas abordagens metabol&ocirc;micas untargeted fingerprinting e perfil metab&oacute;lico de &aacute;cidos org&acirc;nicos utilizando urina de portadores e n&atilde;o-portadores da s&iacute;ndrome Cri Du Chat (CDC) foram aplicadas para avaliar poss&iacute;veis altera&ccedil;&otilde;es nas vias bioqu&iacute;micas devido &agrave; condi&ccedil;&atilde;o gen&eacute;tica. Inicialmente, o melhor solvente para precipita&ccedil;&atilde;o de prote&iacute;nas/extra&ccedil;&atilde;o de metab&oacute;litos foi avaliado, seguido por planejamento fatorial 23 para otimiza&ccedil;&atilde;o das condi&ccedil;&otilde;es de deriva&ccedil;&atilde;o das amostras. Adicionalmente, tr&ecirc;s diferentes sistemas de extra&ccedil;&atilde;o l&iacute;quido-l&iacute;quido de &aacute;cidos org&acirc;nicos foram avaliados. Os metab&oacute;litos derivatizados foram analisados por cromatografia a g&aacute;s e espectrometria de massas (GC-MS) nas condi&ccedil;&otilde;es: temperatura do injetor, da interface do MS e da fonte de &iacute;ons em 250, 290 e 250 &ordm;C, respectivamente; modo scan (45-600 m/z). M&eacute;todos univariados e multivariados de an&aacute;lise como an&aacute;lise de componentes principais (PCA), an&aacute;lise discriminante pelo m&eacute;todo de m&iacute;nimos quadrados parciais (PLS-DA), teste-t foram aplicados para discrimina&ccedil;&atilde;o dos grupos controle, e os metab&oacute;litos com valores de import&acirc;ncia vari&aacute;vel na proje&ccedil;&atilde;o (VIP) maiores que 1,0 e p < 0,05 foram selecionados como os respons&aacute;veis pela separa&ccedil;&atilde;o entre os grupos. Deste modo, metanol e um m&eacute;todo adaptado de extra&ccedil;&atilde;o l&iacute;quido-l&iacute;quido foram selecionados como o melhor solvente e melhor m&eacute;todo de extra&ccedil;&atilde;o de &aacute;cidos org&acirc;nicos, respectivamente, por obterem maiores n&uacute;meros de metab&oacute;litos identificados com altas intensidades e com boa reprodutibilidade entre as medidas. Temperatura e tempo de deriva&ccedil;&atilde;o (60 &ordm;C e 120 min, respectivamente), e 400 &micro;L de urina foram as melhores condi&ccedil;&otilde;es selecionadas devido ao n&uacute;mero de m&uacute;ltiplas respostas obtidas. Por&eacute;m, volumes de urina e reagentes de deriva&ccedil;&atilde;o foram reduzidas &agrave; metade (urina: 200 &micro;L; cloridrato de metoxiamina em piridina (MeOx) e N-metil-N-(trimetilsilil)trifluoroacetamida (MSTFA): ambos 25 &micro;L) devido &agrave; redu&ccedil;&atilde;o de custos, mas sem interferir na qualidade dos dados cromatogr&aacute;ficos. Utilizando as duas abordagens metabol&ocirc;micas, diferentes vias bioqu&iacute;micas foram alteradas devido &agrave; condi&ccedil;&atilde;o gen&eacute;tica: para o fingerprinting metab&oacute;lico, o metabolismo da glic&oacute;lise/gliconeog&ecirc;nese, da fenilalanina, da tirosina e da sacarose e amido foram as vias mais impactadas devido a s&iacute;ndrome CDC; e para o perfil metab&oacute;lico, o metabolismo do triptofano, da tirosina/fenilalanina, e de polifen&oacute;is produzidos pela a&ccedil;&atilde;o da microflora intestinal. Esses resultados correlacionam as altera&ccedil;&otilde;es bioqu&iacute;micas e moleculares com as caracter&iacute;sticas fenot&iacute;picas associadas &agrave; s&iacute;ndrome CDC. No terceiro cap&iacute;tulo, amostras de urina foram depositadas e secas em papel filtro Whatman&reg; 903 (1,4 cm &times; 2,5 cm) para avalia&ccedil;&atilde;o da conserva&ccedil;&atilde;o do perfil metab&oacute;lico urin&aacute;rio conforme o tempo de armazenamento (1, 5, 10 e 30 dias) e sob o efeito da temperatura (&#8722;20 &deg;C e 25 &deg;C). Ap&oacute;s os tempos previamente estabelecidos, a urina foi dessorvida do papel utilizando &aacute;gua deionizada e os metab&oacute;litos recuperados foram derivados com MeOx e MSTFA e analisados por GC-MS. O m&eacute;todo de an&aacute;lise univariada teste-t foi utilizado para avalia&ccedil;&atilde;o estat&iacute;stica dos dados. Desse modo, os perfis cromatogr&aacute;ficos das amostras de urina depositadas em papel foram similares sob as diferentes condi&ccedil;&otilde;es de armazenamento, bem como perfis semelhantes entre amostras depositadas e seca em papel com a amostra de urina analisada diretamente e foram observadas, mostrando que os perfis metab&oacute;licos s&atilde;o conservados ao longo do tempo, sob diferentes temperaturas, e utilizando a t&eacute;cnica de deposi&ccedil;&atilde;o e secagem da urina em papel filtro. N&atilde;o houve diferen&ccedil;a estat&iacute;stica significativa (p > 0,005) entre as intensidades dos metab&oacute;litos identificados em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao tempo e temperatura de armazenamento, o que mostra a n&atilde;o necessidade de baixas temperaturas para garantir a estabilidade qu&iacute;mica dos metab&oacute;litos ao longo do tempo de armazenamento quando a urina &eacute; depositada em papel filtro. Portanto, a partir desse comportamento tem-se que o papel filtro pode ser utilizado para a coleta e o armazenamento de urina em modo simples para posterior determina&ccedil;&atilde;o de biomarcadores para diversas doen&ccedil;as.
dc.description.abstractIn the first e second chapters of this thesis, two untargeted metabolomics approaches (fingerprinting and metabolic profiling of organic acids) using urine of Cri Du Chat (CDC) syndrome carriers and non-carriers were applied to study possible biochemical pathways altered due to the syndrome. Firstly, the best solvent for precipitation of proteins/extraction of metabolites was assessed, followed by full-factorial design (23) for optimization of the conditions of sample derivatization. Also, three different systems of liquid-liquid extraction of organic acids were assessed. The derivatized metabolites were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in the conditions: injector, MS interface, and ion source temperatures were 250, 290, and 250 &deg;C, respectively; scan mode (45-600 m/z). Multivariate and univariate methods as principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), t-test were applied to distinguish groups, and metabolites with values of variable importance in projection (VIP) higher than 1.0 and p < 0.05 were responsible for discrimination between groups. In this way, methanol and an adapted liquid-liquid extraction method were selected as the best solvent for obtaining a greater number of metabolites identified with higher intensities and with good reproducibility between measurements. Temperature and time of derivatization (60 &deg;C and 120 min, respectively), and 400 &micro;L of urine sample were the selected conditions because of the number of multiple responses obtained. However, volumes of the urine and derivatization reagents were halved (urine: 200 &micro;L; methoxyamine hydrochloride in pyridine and N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide: both 25 &micro;L) due to the reduction of costs, and that resulted in no changes in data quality. Using two metabolomics approaches, different biochemical pathways were altered due to the genetic condition (fingerprinting: glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and sucrose and starch metabolisms; metabolic profiling: tryptophan, tyrosine/phenylalanine metabolisms, and polyphenol metabolism, produced by the action of the microflora). These findings correlate the molecular biochemical alterations with phenotypical characteristics associated to the CDC syndrome. In the third chapter, urine samples were deposited and dried on a Whatman&reg; 903 (1.4 cm &times; 2.5 cm) filter paper to evaluate the conservation of the urinary metabolic profile according to storage time (1, 5, 10 and 30 days) and temperature (&ndash;20 &deg;C and 25 &deg;C). After the established times, the urine was desorbed from the paper using deionized water and the recovered metabolites were derivatized with MeOx and MSTFA and analyzed by GC-MS. The univariate analysis t-test method was used for statistical evaluation of the data. Thus, the chromatographic profiles of the urine samples deposited on paper were similar under different storage conditions, as well as similar profiles between deposited samples and paper dried with the urine sample directly analyzed and were observed, showing that the metabolic profiles are preserved over time, under different temperatures, and using the technique of deposition and drying of urine on filter paper. There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.005) between the intensities of the metabolites identified in relation to storage time and temperature, which shows no need for low temperatures to ensure the chemical stability of the metabolites over the storage time when urine is deposited on filter paper. Therefore, from this behavior we learned that the filter paper can be used for the collection and storage of urine in a simple mode for further determination of biomarkers for several diseases.
dc.subjectfingerprinting metabólico
dc.subjectsíndrome do Cri Du Chat
dc.subjectmetabolômica untargeted
dc.subjectácidos orgânicos
dc.subjecturina seca em papel
dc.subjectdried urine on paper
dc.subjectmetabolic fingerprinting
dc.subjectCri Du Chat syndrome
dc.subjectorganic acids
dc.subjectuntargeted metabolomics
dc.titleMetabolômica untargeted em urina de portadores de Cri Du Chat utilizando cromatografia a gás e espectrometria de massas (GC-MS)
dc.title.alternativeUntargeted metabolomics in urine samples of Cri Du Chat syndrome individuals by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
dc.typeTese de Doutorado
usp.advisorCarrilho, Emanuel